Online Sermons
What Does God Think of Me
John Franklin
12/15/13 Sermon
2013 Congregational Meeting
Shannon Shaffer
12/15/13 Congregational Meeting
Spiritual Focus
Shannon Shaffer
12/08/13 Sermon
Nehemiah: Godly Vision
Shannon Shaffer
12/08/13 Sermon
Consider What Great Things He Has Done for You
Shannon Shaffer
11/24/13 Sermon
From Death to Life
Russ Hovater
11/17/13 Sermon
Attitudes Needed in Congregational Work
Shannon Shaffer
11/11/13 Sermon
Bible Patterns #3
Shannon Shaffer
11/10/13 Sermon
Doing Nothing
John Trigg
11/03/13 Sermon
Practical Christianity
Jed Bickle
11/03/13 Sermon
Friends That Change Your Life
Shannon Shaffer
10/20/13 Sermon
Defending Our Faith
Aaron Hurd
10/20/13 Sermon
Teaching and Learning (part 1)
Shannon Shaffer
10/13/13 Sermon
Teaching and Learning (part 2)
Shannon Shaffer
10/13/13 Sermon
Simple, Not Simplistic
Shannon Shaffer
10/06/13 Sermon
Where Do We Go When We Die?
Shannon Shaffer
10/06/13 Sermon
Modeling Wisdom in a Shallow World
John Weaver
09/29/13 Bible Class
Proclaiming Grief and Hope in a Consumerist World
John Weaver
09/29/13 Gospel Meeting
Living with Authenticity in a Virtual World
John Weaver
09/29/13 Gospel Meeting
Focusing on Worship in a Distracted World
John Weaver
09/28/13 Gospel Meeting
Leaving a Biblical Legacy in a Digital World
John Weaver
09/27/13 Gospel Meeting
Stand Firm
Shannon Shaffer
09/22/13 Sermon
Making Disciples with Jesus
Shannon Shaffer
09/15/13 Sermon
Are You Raising Your Ebenezer?
Jim Warner
09/15/13 Sermon
The 6, 8, 10 Principles
Shannon Shaffer
09/08/13 Sermon