Adult Bible Study

Adult Bible Study

Bible Study on the Book of Acts

In March, April, and May the adults are studying the book of Acts. Acts provides a fascinating historical account of the triumphant early church and the powerful spread of Christianity. In the beginning, the church was so simple, yet so Christ-centered. As we read and study Acts together we will be discussing how we can go back to God’s original design for His church. We will be talking about the passionate gospel proclamation, the selfless generosity, and the courageous faith of the the early followers. What motivated people like Paul, Peter, Stephen, Tabitha, and Ananias? How can we become more like that early church today?

We hope you can join us for this study!


  • Sundays at 9:00AM
  • Wednesdays at 7:00PM


At the church building. 4516 Oakley Pirkle Rd. Martinez, GA.