
10 Fingers of Salvation
Shannon Shaffer
08/10/14 Sermon

Paul's Practical Pointers
Shannon Shaffer
08/03/14 Sermon

Worth Doing "Badly"
Shannon Shaffer
07/27/14 Sermon

2 Important Truths
Shannon Shaffer
07/20/14 Sermon

Your Speck, My Plank
Glenn Powell
07/20/14 Sermon

Luke Watkins
07/13/14 Sermon

The New / Old Commandment
Shannon Shaffer
07/13/14 Sermon

Things that Hinder Fellowship with God
Shannon Shaffer
06/22/14 Sermon

Israel's Glory & Grief (Psalm 44)
Shannon Shaffer
06/15/14 Sermon

Plants in God's Garden
Zach Cose
06/15/14 Sermon

Shannon Shaffer
06/08/14 Sermon

3 Goals of the Gospel
Shannon Shaffer
06/08/14 Sermon

Godly Mothers in an Ungodly World
Shannon Shaffer
05/11/14 Sermon

What Are We Doing?
Jed Bickle
03/16/14 Sermon

The Universal Church
Shannon Shaffer
03/16/14 Sermon

How to Handle Anger
Shannon Shaffer
03/09/14 Sermon

What is the Church?
Shannon Shaffer
03/09/14 Sermon

Basic Bible Principles
Aaron Hurd
03/02/14 Sermon

The Church Jesus Built: Why Study?
Shannon Shaffer
03/02/14 Sermon

Good Examples
John Doran
02/16/14 Sermon

Transformed Lives: Share
Shannon Shaffer
01/26/14 Sermon

Transformed Lives: Grow
Shannon Shaffer
01/19/14 Sermon

Transformed Lives: Love
Shannon Shaffer
01/12/14 Sermon

Amazing Teaching
Shannon Shaffer
01/12/14 Sermon

Bob Davis
01/05/14 Sermon