2025 Theme: Always Increasing
Each year, at the Martinez church of Christ, we pick one concept that we believe could really transform our thinking and help us grow. This year's theme is called, "Always Increasing" and is taken from 2 Peter 1:8 which says, "For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." Throughout the year, we will have sermons designed to help us grow in Christian character.
The Need to Grow
Can you look at your life and say that you are a more godly person today than you were a year ago? Being a Christian is not about a one-time transformation, it is about a life of ever-increasing virtue. Unfortunately, sometimes we grow in bursts. We grow for a while, then we become complacent, lose momentum, and quit growing. That’s where the book of 2 Peter is so helpful. In this short letter, Peter points us to the tools that will help us live a life that is “always increasing.” This year is going to be about refocusing on character growth.
The Difference Between Doing & Being
Last year’s theme was about doing more things for Jesus. Doing is important. Unfortunately, it’s possible to do a lot of good works without ever changing who we are on the inside. This year is an invitation for each of us to look deeper at our own character, see what’s lacking, and do the hard work to become more like Christ.
This growth process will involve prayer, study, honesty, self-examination, repentance, and a deep desire to be like Jesus. It will not always be easy, but it will be wonderfully rewarding as we experience ever increasing fruitfulness in our daily lives.
Our Plan for This Year
Throughout the year we will focus on the eight specific Christian virtues that Peter lists in 2 Peter 1:5-7. Each month we will examine a different virtue and discuss how we can better grow in that area.
March: Faith
April: Virtue
May: Knowledge
June: Self-control
July: Steadfastness
August: Godliness
September: Brotherly affection
October: Love
We hope you can join us for these lessons!