Bible Videos

Bible Videos

“How to Have a Deeper Relationship With Jesus”

Be sure to watch this video first:

As this video illustrates, I can’t hold onto Christ until I let go of this world. Each of us have things in our lives that we need to leave behind. It may be a sin like an addiction, an immoral relationship, or a covetous desire. It may simply be a distraction like a hobby, a time waster, or an unhealthy friendship. The obstacles in your life may be different than the ones in my life, but each of us have distractions we need to leave behind as we earnestly pursue Christ.

As the Hebrew writer says:

…let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, - Hebrews 12:1

Let's leave so we can cleave!

- Philip Williams


Extra note: Our congregational theme for 2017 is titled Leaving the Nets. Throughout the year, our sermons and activities will help us become more devoted to Christ. You can learn more about our theme here.